By Caroline Jones
on Jun 18 2018 12:00 AM
  • PIT

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For Professional Investors Only – Parry Global Group (including Parry International Trading Limited or Parry Capital Management Limited) does not offer investment services to firms or investors who are not regarded as Professional Investors in Hong Kong or its equivalence elsewhere.

Parry Global Group includes Parry International Trading Limited which is licenced to provide trading services to professional investor in Hong Kong. Parry Capital Management Limited is licensed to provide asset management services. While licences have been obtained from the Securities and Futures Commission, Hong Kong (“SFC”) none of the information contained in this website is reviewed and approved for distribution by the SFC.

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This week's Forbes Asia Biz Briefing comes from Parry Global Group CEO Gavin Parry. His key takeaway from the Singapore summit between President Trump and Kim Jong-un has been one of positivity. He says the actions of the Fed have also been felt globally, so now he's turning his attention to Europe where he believes politics are complicating things for the ECB.

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